DSA Cheat Sheet - Mastering Data Structures & Algorithms

Arrays are great, but it's not the only data structure available. Besides, if you only know how to use a hammer, you'll treat everything as if it's a nail. That's what my professor told me before he taught us about design patterns. It obviously applies to data structures and algorithms too.

Developer upgrade 🏋️

There's something extremely fulfilling about mastering your craft... Something about puting your head down, filling in your knowledge gaps, and being the best version of your (programmer) self.

Write optimized code ⚡️

Writing code that works is one thing. Writing code that's optimized in terms of time and space, by choosing the best data structure and algorithm, is another.

Open more doors for growth 🤓

To have the opportunity to join and contribute to complex projects means you have to give something valuable in return. That's what continuously improving your skills is for.